If you are in love with Art and Paris,
P.ART.iculaire is definitely for you
About the project
Hi, I'm Kira and my two biggest passions are Paris and art. Thank God I don't have to be torn between them, as they perfectly match in the French concept of "art de vivre". And I decided to combine them in P.ART.iculaire Paris.

This is an art blog, art club and art concierge in one project, which was launched in April 2023, but has already become well-known in local circles of art lovers. It aims to help navigating in the diversity of the Parisian art scene, gain a deeper understanding of art, and blend art and hedonism to shape a community of like- minded people in Paris.
The format of the events ranges from art picnics and brunches in secret locations to galleries and art fairs tours, from visits to top shows, auctions, art clusters, artists' and designers’ studios, private collectors’ apartments, to lectures by top experts and meetings with curators.

I discover the behind-the-scenes artistic Paris, open you the most desirable hidden doors and turn you into an insider of this exclusive world.
Kira Taimanova
About me
For 15 years I have been creating cultural and educational projects all over the world. I have designed programs for the International Cultural Forum, the Potanin Foundation, Future London Academy and Goethe Institute. In 2022 I moved to Paris, which I have adored my whole life.

In my work I am probably an egoist - everything I do should spark me, drive me on and bring inspiration. So, P.ART.iculaire started with my great desire to explore Paris and its artistic environment.
Art tours
The direction of art tours came very naturally, since traveling is another true passion of mine. And here I don't limit myself to Paris - exciting art events are happening all over the world and I don't want to miss them. Venice Biennale, Manifesta in Barcelona, Art Basel, Paris Photo, Maison et Objet, art festivals in the south of France... New destinations come, but the main components remain the same: the highest level of experts, uniqueness of the experiences, top service and a touch of hedonism (gastronomic experience is sometimes as important as cultural one!).
Art Concierge
Are you coming to Paris to stroll around, to celebrate a holiday, to enjoy your favorite places and discover new ones? I will do my best to make you fall in love with this city as much as I am.

Of course, my key strength is the Parisian art scene.
Would you like to see the top exhibitions with the best experts? Make a gallery hopping tour with the local curator? Visit private collections, studios of famous artists, photographers, designers and architects to meet them in person? Discover the unique vintage and antique pieces on the local flea markets and brocantes? I open many closed doors and give access to a very exclusive world, which is pretty impossible from a man on the street.
You will see Paris through the eyes of the world's leading experts in art, fashion, design, photography, who will reveal the most cherished addresses for you. But let's not forget about hedonism! My list of the best local bars, restaurants and nightclubs, which you won't find in guidebooks, will allow you to make your visit a true celebration of art hedonism!
Прошедшие события
 "I would like to express my admiration to our guide who accompanied us yesterday in Giverny. Boris is not just a guide, but a treasure trove of knowledge, extremely erudite, infectious with his passion for art and painting. Delving into quite complex concepts, the tour was in one breath, developing more structured knowledge in my head on the subject of Impressionism. I would very much like to visit other events with Boris. Have a wonderful, sunny Sunday!"
 "It was a unique experience of immersion into the atmosphere of the Biennale and Venice.
I definitely could not have done it on my own, I was confused by the abundance of objects and spaces that are presented within the Biennale and the supplementary programs. You did something absolutely special - you selected the most interesting art objects, which we looked at in the company of Olga Shishko.
I can't imagine where else, under what circumstances, I could have bumped into Olga and discussed contemporary digital art over delicious breakfasts and lunches; not to mention the wonderful rose wine with our lovely company on the rooftop overlooking the domes of San Marco while listening to baroque operas"
 "Thank you so much for organizing the trip to the Venice Biennale 2024
It was my first experience of participating in such an event and I was absolutely delighted! The organization of the whole trip was top. Everything from visiting the exhibitions, to choosing the restaurants and our "guides" in the world of contemporary art, to the itineraries around the beautiful city of Venice - everything was perfect!
Thanks to the first-class organization, I was able to fully immerse myself in the inexpressible atmosphere of Venice and enjoy all the beauty and works of art without any stress!"
 "Those were wonderful days!
Dear Kira, thank you so much for the gorgeous program and careful organization! I had a lot of fun and benefits!
My iCloud became overloaded with tons of photos!
The expert brightened this trip with his professionalism and amazing meetings with the Masters. An unforgettable experience.
Dear participants, you created a unique atmosphere!
Thank you for the warm conversations and togetherness!
Love, Maria"
 "Good afternoon, Kira.
I want to thank you for doing such great meetings, and Boris for an interesting and informative lecture.
Yesterday, when I was driving from the event, I thought about what important things you do for people. And it's not just about art and culture, it's also about bringing people together. For me, it's about meeting interesting and creative people. Thank you"
"There was magic and enchantment!
A life filled with meaning and happiness! What very interesting people! Events! And we are in the epicenter of these events with brilliant and professional
What a long aftertaste! Kira, thank you very much, everything was thought out to the smallest detail, packed in care and attention!
Thank you for the inspiration!
And thank you to all our beautiful company!"
"Thank you Kira and Olga for organizing a great program and all the girls for the company and atmosphere
Great aftertaste!"
"Kira, Olga and everyone else involved - this visit to Venice was the best I've had in a long time.
Venice played with incredibly beautiful new colors, this has never happened to me before! I am very happy to have met you all! I will definitely see you on other trips and don't forget that all roads lead to Rome :)"
"Thank you so much for such an interesting program!
All days just in one breath! Excellent organization and not a single hour wasted"
"Thank you all for such an intense 4 days, for interesting and enriching communication. Special thanks to Kira and Ilya. I hope that there will be another opportunity to meet with you. All the best."
"And the culture, and the level of experts, and the people who come to you!!!!


In addition to art and culture, my social circle has been enriched with uncommon personalities and I have warm friendships with some "diamonds"!
Thank you!"
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Kira and her project for the amazing Biennale tour
2024 to Venice - this visit to Venice was the best one I've had in a long time and it was incredibly beautiful with new colors, it's never happened to me before! It was a pleasure to meet you all!

I will definitely see you again on your tours"
"Thank you so much for the magnificent reception!
You and Oksana are to be thanked for the amazing organization of the event!
The lecture was magnificent in a masterpiece suite and accompanied by an exquisite brunch! The gallery tour was exceptionally well planned and reinforced in practice everything that was very elegantly outlined earlier by Oksana. She was able to emphasize the highlights in the galleries and really captivate with interesting facts.
I express my great admiration and gratitude for your new knowledge and unique EXPERIENCE!"
"Thank you so much for coming up with and making such a unique program! I can't find words to correctly reflect emotions and impressions - it was an incomparable but very good experience, which I want to repeat immediately!
Special thanks to all the members of our art gang - for me the communication was as valuable as the cultural program!"
"Je vous remercie for a magical and inspiring tour! It was a separate little life! 3a 4 days total reboot, filled with beauty!"
"I thank you for this unforgettable experience and the wonderful time we had together! Each of you is an extraordinary world and a unique storehouse of knowledge! During these days, I didn't just have a good laugh, eat in pleasant company and discuss the aesthetics of exhibitions, I gained baggage of something new, grew in my mind and gained close friends and touched in your unique talents!!!! You have so filled this time, amazed and surprised me so much that it has become the equivalent of a few months of good school, internships or courses! I will be happy to see each of you again in Paris or beyond, to each of you I wish the most extraordinary and full of good surprises life road and only the best!!! once again a thousand thanks and rays of sunshine to you!!!"
"I went in the spring with P.ART.iculaire_Paris to the Biennale Arte in Venice. This is my second trip.
Traveling with Kira is for true art lovers and connoisseurs. The speakers are museum curators, famous talented people. I love breakfasts with them before events and exhibitions, where you can ask any questions to art figures and get comprehensive answers.

P.ART.iculaire_Paris programs are the most intense.
The organization is top-notch, the lunch and dinner venues are always excellent. The most magical and memorable thing is the atmosphere among people united by their love of art, explorers and hedonists!"
"Paris was beautiful! Thank you all for these delightful days! It was a dream come true to go to the Sotheby's auction, to visit Fondation and Art Basel, and especially happy to have had the opportunity to meet such absolutely wonderful people

I hope to meet you all again in any city in the world) »
"Thank you for these unforgettable days! It was amazing!
Thank you to the organizers and our guides in the world of beauty!
Delightful program and super professional and
emotional realization!
If the experts, Modigliani, Rothko, Basel and Serebryanikov "expectedly" made a lasting impression on me, you, the group members - just shook to the core!
Thank you for this togetherness and, thanks to you, the Faith that life is beautiful and amazing!
Smart, beautiful, expert, unique, professional, sensing, tactile, caring, so fragile and talented. It's all tingling inside!"
Paris, France
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